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shani yantra
Lord Shani (Saturn) is the significator of Industries in general, Iron and steel as well as footwear industry in particular, Democracy, masses in general, Labor class, politics, judicial system. The person, who wants to enhance these aspects in his life, should install Shani (Saturn) Yantra in his office or home.
Since Lord Shani (Saturn) is also indicative of insanity, paralysis, depression, tumor, cancer and diseases relating to feet, excretory system,
For the persons born in Capricorn & Aquarius ascendant and Rashi (Moon sign), this Yantra is highly recommended. It is always recommended for the persons, who are passing through adverse Dasa/ transit of Lord Shani.
Benefits of Shani Yantra are
- Shani Graha Mantra is for those who want to make good career with name and fame.
- Businesspersons also use it for success in bussiness.
- Also helpful in many diseases, caused due to evil position of Saturn in your horoscope.
- Keeps evil eye away.
- Very helpful in case of Sade Saati of Saturn.
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