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baglamukhi locket

Baglamukhi Yantra Locket Baglamukhi Yantra locket is the residing place of Ma Baglamukhi. The Bagla Mukhi Yantra Locket is a powerful tool and helps in combating enemies and legal suits. It gives success in quarrels and helps in qualifying the competitions.
This locket has the blessings of Ma Baglamukhi and has all the positive energy of Baglamukhi Ma. Baglamukhi Yantra Locket has the power of the planet MARS that helps in achieving success over enemies.Baglamukhi Yantra Locket ensures you protection from wounds, scars, surgery and sudden accidents.
Traditionally this Locket is worn around the neck and should be worshipped with turmeric and Dhatura flowers juice on a piece of Bhojpatra. Bagla Mukhi is really helpful in avoiding the evil and also helps in getting success in gambling. It is also helpful in defeating the enemies and avoiding them completely.
Ma Baglamukhi is a symbol of power and strength. Wearing Baglamukhi locket gives the wearer the blessing of ma Baglamukhi and protects him from evil powers and all kind of fears. This locket is considered to be auspicious and brings luck to the wearer.According to Hindu Mythology, Ma Baglamukhi Yantra locket is popular to give quick results to the wearer. This Locket fulfils all the wishes of the wearer and repels the negative energies. It is said that buying Baglamukhi Yantra Locket protects the wearer from sufferings of life and is helpful in attaining salvation.
Benefits of Baglamukhi Yantra Locket:
  1. It helps in combating our inner enemies like ego and jealousy.
  2. This locket makes you have control over your unhealthy thoughts.
  3. Wearing this locket can help you get complete control over the external world.
  4. This locket helps in attaining a peace of mind.
  5. It keeps away the bad from your life.
  6. This locket makes you healthy, wealthy and prosperous.