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Navratn Ring

 Navaratna ring is being immensely famous because of its good-looking and astrological advantages. When wearing astrological modulate either one can wear Gemstone Jewelry based their zodiac or horoscope or wear a Navaratna or Navagraha ring which has all the 9 stones representing the all 9 planets. Navaratna refers to the nine gemstones related to the nine planets used in Vedic astrology. The word nava means ‘nine’ and ratna means ‘gem’ in the Sanskrit language.

Navaratna ring are considered providential and believed to give the wearer Good Health, Prosperity, Happiness and Peace of Mind. It wards off negative energies or malefic effects of Planets and strengthens the positive influences of the gems. Navaratna Ornaments can be worn by anyone and does not have any negative effects. It suits everyone irrespective of Zodiac and can be worn even without the considered from an Astrologer. Navaratna ring should be made especially of Silver. It is consider that such jeweller acts as a vindicatory armor against varied illness and perils. When only one astrological gemstone is worn, it only applied to focus only on a specific planet or a particular problem. But when navratnas are worn it brings the benefits of all the nine planetary gemstones cumulatively. Navaratna ring can be made with precious gems or semi-precious stones.The Navratna are-ruby,coral,emerald,yellow sapphire,zircon,blue sapphire,hassonite and cat`seye.