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Narmada shivling

‘Narmada Shivlingam’ or ‘Narmadeshwar Shivlingam’ is found in the River Narmada, which flows primarily in Central India. Shivlingams have always been considered as personified symbol of Lord Shiva, most popular and most generous deity out of Hindu Trinity. But the stature of ‘Narmadeshwar Shivlingam’ is totally different from all other Shivlingams, as it is formed from the forces of nature and no human intervention is present in its formation. Due to this reason only the aura of ‘Narmadeshwar Shivlingam’ is manifold if compared with manmade Shivlingams prepared from other materials. Due to this reason, ancient scriptures are abounding with praise of ‘Narmadeshwar Shivlingam’.
This highly auspicious Tantra article related to the Lord Shiva is highly venerated due to its exemplary effects. It is advised to keep a ‘Narmadeshwar Shivlingam’ in your home at Pooja Sthanam (Place of worship).
Worshipping ‘Narmadeshwar Shivlingam’ ensures cordial relations between husband and wife. It is also very helpful for childless persons, for getting their own child. Methodical worship of ‘Narbada Shivlingam’ coupled with multifarious use of Putrajeevak has ensured pregnancy as well as delivery in case of our many clients, who had lost all their hopes, after taking best possible medical help.
Worshipping specially energized ‘Narmada Shivlingam’ is very helpful in ameliorating the adverse effects of Lord Saturn. Our continuous researches have proved that this is the best remedy to ward off evil impacts of Lord Saturn due to adverse Dasha or Transit.